JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) seeks a coordinator for two major initiatives in 2024 to support diversity and increase equity, inclusion, and belonging within ornithology.
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) seeks a coordinator for two major initiatives in 2024 to support diversity and increase equity, inclusion, and belonging within ornithology.
The American Ornithological Society (AOS, or Society) seeks a new editor-in-chief (EIC) for the journal Ornithological Applications.
By Eric Wood Related paper: Historical racial redlining and contemporary patterns of income inequality negatively affect birds, their habitat, and people in Los Angeles, California by Eric M. Wood, Sevan Esaian, Christian Benitez, Philip J. Ethington, Travis Longcore, Lars Y. Pomara. Ornithological Applications While driving around Greater Los Angeles (L.A.), one cannot help but notice …
“There is power in a name, and some English bird names have associations with the past that continue to be exclusionary and harmful today,” says president. “The time has come for us to transform this process and redirect the focus to the birds, where it belongs,” says CEO. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: CHICAGO (November …
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) is pleased to announce Christina (Christie) P. Riehl as the new editor-in-chief for its top-ranked journal, Ornithology. Dr. Riehl is the first female editor of the journal in its 147-year history.
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) is pleased to announce the awardees of the 2023 Kessel Research Fellowship for early-career researchers. Four $15,000 fellowships were awarded to Lucia Mentesana, Facundo X. Palacio, Shailee Shah, and Frank Fogarty to support their ornithological research.
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) welcomes the 2023 classes of AOS Fellows and Elective Members. Individuals are elected to these special membership classes in recognition of their exceptional and sustained contributions to ornithology and to the AOS.
Conservation practitioners need information that can help predict species’ ability to cope with rapid environmental changes in order to make management decisions. We wanted to better understand the adaptive capacity of two tidal marsh nesting sparrow species, the Saltmarsh (Ammospiza caudacutus) and Nelson’s (Ammospiza nelsoni) sparrows.
Nominations are now open for the American Ornithological Society’s (AOS) 2024 Council, Classes of Fellows and Elective Members, and various Society awards. You can help make the AOS stronger by participating in these important annual elections for leadership roles within our Society and by recognizing the achievements of our members.
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) invites abstract submissions for the 2025 Wesley Lanyon Award, which recognizes an early-career ornithologist who authors the best integrative review paper on avian science.