In October 2023, the AOS Council approved a new strategic plan, a guiding document that will help us meet the needs of our community, now and into the future.
Download the AOS Strategic Plan or view it below in your browser window.
We relied on feedback from current and past AOS members, annual meeting attendees, and other affiliates to guide the goals and strategies in our new plan; we used information from our 2022 AOS culture survey and 2023 strategic planning survey to understand your priorities, needs, perceptions of the AOS, and thoughts about the AOS’s future.
Under this strategic plan, the AOS will continue to support impactful ornithological science and communicate and provide access to ornithological science through our core programs—our top-ranked journals, our celebrated Annual Meetings, and our grants for ornithological research. Our strategic plan not only highlights a goal to foster an inclusive ornithological community, it also also guides us to integrate elements of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice throughout our goals and across our programs, a critical step in ensuring that we are serving and engaging ornithologists from different backgrounds, geographies, identities, and abilities. Finally, the AOS has experienced many transitions over the last decade, including a merger between two scientific societies and the hiring of professional staff to support the organization. Our strategic plan calls on us to focus on excellence in governance and operations to ensure that our organizational foundation remains solid and enables us to support our priority work.
The goals in our strategic plan are ambitious, and we’ll focus on a subset of the strategies each year. Our focal strategies will guide AOS’s Committee, Council, and staff work, and will inform our allocation of resources. Our strategic plan will also help us to work together—to coordinate across programs, initiatives, and volunteers so that we are moving in the same direction.
The AOS is more than 140 years old, and our Society has grown and changed so much over that period. We are so glad to work together with you to ensure the AOS is best serving our members both today and into the future.
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AOS Strategic Plan by The American Ornithological Society (AOS)If navigation disappears, hover your mouse over the bottom of the document to restore it.