I have been in Alaska for most of the last month, doing field work on St Paul Island (in the Pribilofs), and at Ukpeaġvik (formerly Barrow) on the north slope, then at the terrific AOS conference in Anchorage. At the AOS meeting we presented a couple of large banners celebrating women in particular, and diversity in general, in ornithology. Here is the ‘women in ornithology’ banner for those of you who were not at the conference, or, like me, ran out of time to actually read anything.

I loved seeing your banners at AOS – thank you!!
Lovely! Thank you for keeping the contributions alive and known.
Very good and interesting article. Get lot of information. Being a bird photographer and bird watcher, I always read everything regarding ornithology . Thanks for publishing .
These women inspire me!! I wrote an assignment on Margret Morse Nice for my MSc!! She was badass!!!!