Ornithological Applications welcomes two new associate editors. Olivia Smith is a postdoctoral fellow at Michigan State University. She studies how landscape context and local management impact the net effects of birds in farmlands. She is particularly interested in food safety issues. Her work is funded by the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior program at Michigan State and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Casey Youngflesh is a quantitative ecologist and postdoctoral associate in the Tingley Lab in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Casey’s research explores how ecological systems function and how they are responding to rapid global change. Current projects address questions about phenology, trophic interactions, and population dynamics.
Our associate editors are critical to the success of the AOS journals and we really appreciate their contributions. Welcome Olivia and Casey!
Best wishes to all!
Greetings from an ex-editor
Greetings and best wishes for success from an ex-editor