The American Ornithological Society (AOS, or Society) seeks a new editor-in-chief (EIC) for the journal Ornithological Applications. Ornithological Applications is an international, peer-reviewed journal with a 125-year history of publishing original research, syntheses, and assessments from all parts of the globe focusing on the application of scientific theory, ornithological knowledge, and methods to the conservation and management of birds and to policy. Ornithological Applications is published by Oxford University Press (OUP) on a quarterly basis. The journal receives ~150 submissions per year and demonstrates editorial efficiency, with fast decision times and rapid online publication of manuscripts upon final acceptance. Ornithological Applications currently holds the highest 5-year-average Journal Impact Factor score among 29 ornithological journals worldwide.
The EIC of Ornithological Applications serves as the chief scientific authority and is solely responsible for selecting and approving scientific content for the journal. To achieve this, the EIC assembles and oversees a diverse editorial board to work effectively with the Society’s professional publication staff. In addition, the EIC aids the Society in developing new policies responsive to changing publishing needs. The successful applicant will be a mid- or late-career academic or research scientist, with a body of published accomplishments in ornithology, and with five or more years of cumulative hands-on editorial experience (as associate editor or above) at one or more peer-reviewed journals drawing international audiences. We seek applicants who have demonstrated not only their ability to lead and mentor teams of fellow scientists but also their commitment to supporting diversity and inclusivity in our field.
The AOS’s EICs generally serve one-year terms with annual reappointment subject to the AOS governing Council’s approval. The EIC is generally expected to serve five consecutive one year terms. We aim to select the new EIC by 1 April 2024 to allow a ~3 month overlap and transition period prior to the end of the current EIC’s term in June 2024; thus, the new EIC will serve a 9-month initial term.
The AOS will convene a search committee to conduct the search on behalf of the AOS’s governing Council. The search committee welcomes both direct applications and nominations for the position. All nominees will be contacted by the search committee. Additional information, including a full position profile, may be found at this link: https://americanornithology.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/1-Full-Position-Description_-Editor-in-Chief-Ornithological-Applications-2024-1.pdf. If you would like to contact the committee directly, please email jobs@americanornithology.org.
Formal applications, consisting of a letter of interest and curriculum vitae, should be sent electronically to Search Committee Chair, Ornithological Applications Editorial Search Committee, at jobs@americanornithology.org. Your letter of interest should include:
- Relevant information about your background and qualifications for the position, including editorial experience and ability to meet the annual time demands of the position
- Statement of your vision for the journal’s future positive trajectory, and your primary goals and proposed actions that would allow the journal to achieve that vision
Applicants should be current members of the AOS at the time of their application.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 12 February 2024.
About the American Ornithological Society
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) is an international society dedicated to connecting ornithologists, science, and bird conservation by supporting science that advances the understanding and conservation of birds; promoting broad access to ornithological science; supporting ornithologists throughout their career paths; and fostering a welcoming, diverse, supportive, and dynamic ornithological community. The AOS publishes two top-ranked international scientific journals, Ornithology and Ornithological Applications, and hosts an annual conference that attracts ornithologists from across the globe. Its robust grants program supports student and early-career professional research initiatives. The Society’s check-lists serve as the accepted authorities for scientific nomenclature and English common names of birds in the Americas. The AOS is also a partner with The Cornell Lab of Ornithology in the online Birds of the World, a rich database of species accounts of the world’s birds. The AOS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving about 3,000 members globally. For more information, see www.americanornithology.org.