Interested in joining the editorial board of Ornithological Applications or Ornithology?
Associate Editors manage the peer-review process by assigning papers (maximum of one new manuscript per month) to reviewers, synthesizing reviews received, and making recommendations to the Senior Editors or Editor-in-Chief. They also serve as ambassadors for the AOS journals and encourage manuscript submissions from authors. Editorial board members serve 3-year terms.
Qualifications: a doctoral degree or equivalent research experience; evidence of an active and relevant publication record for current career stage; and experience with peer review. Previous service on a journal editorial board is not required.
Ornithological Applications currently has openings for editors with expertise applying quantitative methods to answer conservation and management questions.
Ornithology has openings for editors with expertise in evolution; feather biology (especially molt); foraging behavior and diet; genetics; life history; morphometrics; movement and migration; phenology; physiology (especially endocrinology); and systematics.
Please send a CV and brief statement of interest describing your areas of expertise to the Editors-in-Chief of the journals: Catherine Lindell, Ornithological Applications; or Scott Sillett, Ornithology.
We particularly seek Associate Editors who are fluent in Portuguese and/or Spanish. We will keep your documents on file for at least a year if a position is not immediately available.