Today the American Ornithological Society is saying a fond farewell to Kathleen Erickson, who has led AOS’s publications since 2013.
Kathleen was hired in 2013 as the Managing Editor of The Auk and The Condor, working for the newly created Central Ornithological Publications Office, a joint venture of the American Ornithologists’ Union and the Cooper Ornithological Society that preceded the societies’ eventual merger in 2016. Kathleen was promoted to Journals Director after the merger.
Under Kathleen’s leadership, the publications team created a successful publicity program, increased open access to Auk and Condor papers, reduced author page fees, and kept in contact with more than 8,000 ornithologists through the journals’ email newsletter and monthly content alerts.
“Getting the joint publications office up and running was like creating a startup, and it has been the dream job of my thirty-year publishing career,” says Kathleen. “The ornithology community is a passionate and down-to-earth group of professionals, whom I will miss. You’ll find me out at Point Blue counting birds!”