The American Ornithological Society is grateful to Dr. Sarah Saunders and Dr. Ashley Dayer, who are departing after several years as associate editors for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Saunders is Senior Manager of Quantitative Science with the National Audubon Society where she models occupancy, abundance, and distribution of numerous species. Dr. Dayer is an associate professor who focuses on conservation social science at Virginia Tech University and is currently on research leave, serving as Social Science Advisor for Audubon.

Ornithological Applications welcomes new Associate Editor Dr. Erin Zylstra, Quantitative Ecologist with the Tucson Audubon Society. Dr. Zylstra’s research focuses on the development and application of statistical models that can inform conservation and management of threatened species.
Our associate editors are critical to the success of the AOS journals and we really appreciate their contributions.