Akshit Suthar | Faces of AOS

I joined AOS to connect with a diverse community of scientists dedicated to bird conservation. AOS provides opportunities to engage with like-minded researchers, stay informed about advances in ornithology, and share my passion for waterbird research.

Akshit Suthar

Current institution and/or position: Ph.D. Student, James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center, Clemson University

Scientific research goals and achievements: My long-term goal is to conduct applied research that addresses real-world ecological problems faced by managers, solving them by merging emerging technologies with ecological research. I integrate drones and passive acoustic monitoring to advance waterbird surveys and wetland conservation. I have received research grants from the TWS Wetlands Working Group and the Society of Wetland Scientists.

Fun fact: Outside of research, I enjoy wildlife photography, playing cricket, and spending time with family. I also love exploring wetlands and capturing images of birds in their natural habitats.

Why have you chosen to be a member of the AOS?
I joined AOS to connect with a diverse community of scientists dedicated to bird conservation. AOS provides opportunities to engage with like-minded researchers, stay informed about advances in ornithology, and share my passion for waterbird research. I value AOS’s focus on diversity and inclusion and am currently serving as a co-chair of the AOS Student Affairs Committee.

Follow Akshit
X: @akshitsuthar
Instagram: @akshitsuthar1991

Hashtags: #Ornithology #WetlandsResearch #BirdConservation #DronesInEcology #EmergingTechInEcology

Akshit Suthar in the field with a drone.


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