Advances in Avian Diet: Methods and Applications, Part 3

By Sabrina S. Taylor, Senior Editor, Ornithology The final two papers in a Special Feature highlighting Advances in Avian Diet: Methods and Applications have been published in the AOS journal Ornithology (see the links below or the January 2022 issue of Ornithology and the February 2022 issue of Ornithological Applications for six previously published articles). …

Finalists Announced for the 2022 AOS Wesley Lanyon Award

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) is pleased to announce that the following four early-career researchers have been invited to submit review papers to the AOS journals, Ornithology and Ornithological Applications, in the competition for the 2022 Wesley Lanyon Award, based on proposals each submitted to the editors-in-chief and senior editors. Ornithological Applications Finalists Alex Sutton, …

How do so many wood warbler species coexist?

By T. W. Sherry and Cody M. Kent Linked Paper: Extensions and limitations of MacArthur (1958): A review of ecological and evolutionary approaches to competition and diet in the New World wood warblers (Parulidae) by T.W. Sherry and C.M. Kent. Ornithology. Explaining the variety of avian species requires understanding a variety of species interactions, in …

Professional Ethics in Science Societies: AOS Is Working Hard to Be a Leader

Imagine a situation at a scientific conference where you see, hear, or experience something that seems demeaning or unethical and that negatively impacts professional interactions. Or perhaps imagine another scenario, in which your unpublished data were presented by another person without citation or consent. What or who could help you navigate those situations? Examples like …

Why you should consider running for AOS Council as a graduate student

The AOS Student Affairs Committee (SAC) is excited to announce that we have a new student Council position up for election this year! Graduate students are eligible to run. This position has a two-year term. My name is Teresa Pegan and I have served as an interim student Council member for about a year as …

Advances in Avian Diet: Methods and Applications, Part 2

By Sabrina S. Taylor, Senior Editor, Ornithology A Special Feature bringing together a series of papers highlighting Advances in Avian Diet: Methods and Applications in the AOS journals Ornithology and Ornithological Applications has published the next two papers of the series in the February 2022 issue of Ornithological Applications (see the links below or the …

Thanks to incoming and departing associate editors for Ornithological Applications

The American Ornithological Society thanks Dr. Amanda Hale and Dr. Clark Rushing, who are departing after several years as associate editors for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Hale is a professor and graduate program director at Texas Christian University. Her research investigates many aspects of conservation biology, including the impact of wind energy on birds and bats. …

Probability of occurrence in harvest regions is greatest for eastern-breeding Lesser Yellowlegs

Linked paper: Eastern-breeding Lesser Yellowlegs are more likely than western-breeding birds to visit areas with high shorebird hunting during southward migration by Laura A. McDuffie, Katherine S. Christie, Autumn-Lynn Harrison, Audrey R. Taylor, Brad A. Andres, Benoit Laliberté, James A. Johnson. Ornithological Applications. By Laura McDuffie Typically, when people think of shorebirds, they envision plump, …

2021 Peter R. Stettenheim Service Award Winner: Fred Sheldon

Over the coming weeks, we will continue to feature profiles of the previously announced winners of the 2021 AOS awards in a series of posts on Wing Beat. In 2018, the American Ornithological Society (AOS) established the Peter R. Stettenheim Service Award, intended to carry on the tradition of the Cooper Ornithological Society’s Cooper Honorary …