Ornithological Applications thanks departing editor; welcomes four new associate editors

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) thanks Dr. Ben Zuckerberg from the University of Wisconsin–Madison for his service as an associate editor for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Zuckerberg’s university lab research is focused on studying how modern climate change impacts birds and mammals. Welcome to our four new associate editors Dr. Esteban Botero-Delgadillo is the director of …

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) announces its 2023 award winners for achievements in ornithological research, service, conservation, and publication

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) annually bestows a range of awards honoring individuals and groups for their ornithological research and considerable contributions to the science and practice of ornithology, and for their service to the society. This year’s awardees represent outstanding contributions to the scientific study and conservation of birds and to the AOS. The …

North American shorebirds are declining faster than we ever imagined

By Stephen Brown, Vice President of Science, Manomet Linked Paper: Accelerating declines of North America’s shorebirds signal the need for urgent conservation action by Paul A. Smith, Adam C. Smith, Brad Andres, Charles M. Francis, Brian Harrington, Christian Friis, R.I. Guy Morrison, Julie Paquet, Bradford Winn, and Stephen Brown, Ornithological Applications. Nearly all shorebird species …

Ornithological Applications thanks departing editors; welcomes new associate editor

The American Ornithological Society is grateful to Dr. Sarah Saunders and Dr. Ashley Dayer, who are departing after several years as associate editors for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Saunders is Senior Manager of Quantitative Science with the National Audubon Society where she models occupancy, abundance, and distribution of numerous species. Dr. Dayer is an associate professor …

A multi-pronged approach to animal tracking and the benefits of wide-ranging collaborations

By Ann E. McKellar Linked Paper: Weak genetic structure, shared nonbreeding areas, and extensive movement in a declining waterbird by Nicholas G. Shephard, Patricia Szczys, David J. Moore, Matthew W. Reudink, Jeffrey N. Costa, Annie M. Bracey, Simeon Lisovski, and Ann E. McKellar, Ornithological Applications. The Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) is a species of concern in …

Living with cowbird nest parasitism—and thriving

By Ronald L. Mumme and Claire Lignac Linked paper: Brood parasitism of Hooded Warblers by Brown-headed Cowbirds: Severe impact on individual nests but modest consequences for seasonal fecundity and conservation by Claire Lignac and Ronald L. Mumme, Ornithological Applications.  Even the most ardent bird enthusiasts find it tough to love the Brown-headed Cowbird. An obligate …

The AOS welcomes two new associate editors for Ornithological Applications

The AOS journal, Ornithological Applications, welcomes two new associate editors. Luis Sandoval leads the Urban Ecology and Animal Communication Laboratory at the University of Costa Rica School of Biology. He studies bioacoustics, urban ecology, reproduction and sexual selection. Thomas J. (T.J.) Benson is a Principal Research Scientist with the Illinois Natural History Survey at the University …

AOS journals now accepting submissions of Insights and Monographs

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) journals, Ornithology and Ornithological Applications, are pleased to announce two new article types: Insights and Monographs.  Insights are invited, short papers (15 pages maximum, inclusive of all content except figures, figure captions, and tables) framed around a high-quality photo, video, audio, computer animation, or illustration of a bird, behavior, species …

Thanks to departing associate editor for Ornithological Applications

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) thanks Dr. Amy Davis, who is departing after several years as an associate editor for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Davis is a computational biologist at the National Wildlife Research Center in Fort Collins, Colorado. Her current work focuses on the effective surveillance and management of rabies in wildlife and, generally, on …