Calendar Year Donors

The American Ornithological Society thanks our generous donors and contributing members from calendar year 2024. (*=deceased)

Contributing Members

see Membership page

Dr. Valerie Lawrence Heemstra
James L. Howitz
Melinda Pruett-Jones

Silver Donor


Jeffrey Bieske
Patricia A McGill
Melinda Pruett-Jones


Up to $100

Colleen A. Barber
Byron Keith Butler
Dr. Gina Calabrese
Julia Allison Clarke
Joel L. Cracraft
James P. Dean
Dr. Tomohiro Deguchi
Scott R. Derrickson
Peter Donaldson
Carol R. Foss
Patricia Lee Freysinger
Jeffrey B. Froke
Lawrence R. Gamble
William Garcia
Joseph Garrison
T. Luke George
Richard Graw
Erick Greene
Joseph A. Grzybowski
John H. Harris
Patricia J. Heglund
Dr. Holly H. Hobart
Wesley M. Hochachka
Jerry W. Hupp
David W. Inouye
Dennis G. Jorde

Donor Cont.

Kenn Kaufman
Ms. Elena Holly Klaver
David B. Lank
Catherine A. Lindell
Linda Macaulay
Richard F. Miller
Scott S. Moorhouse
Michael T. Murphy
Lukas J Musher
David Muth
Shari-Beth Nadell
Erica Nol
Patricia G. Parker
Gail L Patricelli
Robert O. Paxton
Victoria D. Piaskowski
James M. Ramakka
Carla Restrepo
Daniel J. Rizzolo
Sievert Rohwer
Stephen I. Rothstein
Brett K. Sandercock
Miriam Scharf
Patricia Schultz
Thomas B. Smith
Lowell Smoger
Allan M. Strong
Deborah Turski
Nils Warnock
Michael S. Webster
Richard E. Webster
Mark Wimer
John C. Wingfield
Frank G. Witebsky
Christopher C. Witt

Lifetime Donors

Here we acknowledge lifetime giving at the Patron level and above, as of 12/31/2024, with our deepest gratitude. (*=deceased)

Perpetual Guarantor

$250,000 or more

Charles R. Blake*
Beecher S. Bowdish*
Werner H.* & Hildegard Hesse*
Brina C. Kessel*
Marion Jenkinson* & Robert M. Mengel*
Marsha Brady Tucker*



Wallace C. Dayton*
Christian Goetz*
Frances L. Sibley*
Eleanor H. Stickney*



Donald Bleitz*
Betty* & Herbert Carnes*
Carla Cicero
Millicent (Penny) S. Ficken*
Wilbur Yocum Gary*
Mark E. Hauber
Karl W. Kenyon*
Scott Lanyon
Wesley E. Lanyon*
Cyndy Lanyon Chandler
R. James* and Jean Macaleer
Chandler Robbins*
James Savage*
Robert W. Storer*
Alexander* & Beatrice Wetmore*



Robert B. Berry
Walter J. Bock*
Howard P. Brokaw*
Alan H. Brush
Theresa L. Bucher (Lulu May Lloyd Von Hagen Foundation)
Nicholas E.* and Elsie C. Collias*
Charles T. and Patricia H. Collins
Kendall W. Corbin
Ken Dial
John E. du Pont*
Frank B. Gill
Robert G. Goelet*
Wayne Hoffman
C. Stuart Houston*
B. Brewster Jennings*
Richard Marrus
Mary Victoria McDonald
Deane McGurk
William H. Pugh*
Stephen M. and Ruth Ogden Russell
Elizabeth A. Schreiber and Ralph W. Schreiber*
Peter Stettenheim*
Harrison B. Tordoff*
Jared Verner*
George M. Wickstrom*
Sartor O. Williams, III
Glen E.* and Janet A. Woolfenden