AOS welcomes new event coordinator

Hi, I’m Lauren Gates, the new event coordinator for AOS; I’m so excited to join this team and support the work of the many AOS member volunteers! I hope to bring extraordinary energy, enthusiasm, and passion to AOS in this next chapter of my career. I recently moved from Atlanta, Ga. to Chicago, Ill., and …

#GlobalAOS: Cristina Miyaki

This July and August, we’re running a special series of blog posts profiling AOS members around the world, in honor of the recent change to AOS’s bylaws eliminating any reference specifying the Western Hemisphere as the Society’s geographic sphere of influence. This week, one final bonus post: meet Cristina Miyaki, a professor in Brazil. What’s your current …

#GlobalAOS: Hisashi Nagata

This July and August, we’re running a special series of blog posts profiling AOS members around the world, in honor of the recent change to AOS’s bylaws eliminated any reference specifying the Western Hemisphere as the Society’s geographic sphere of influence. This week, meet Hisashi Nagata, a professor in Japan. What’s your current affiliation and title? I …

#GlobalAOS: Iliana Medina Guzmán

This July and August, we’re running a special series of blog posts profiling AOS members around the world, in honor of the recent change to AOS’s bylaws eliminated any reference specifying the Western Hemisphere as the Society’s geographic sphere of influence. This week, meet Iliana Medina Guzmán, a postdoctoral researcher in Australia. What’s your current affiliation and …

#GlobalAOS: Patience Shito

This July and August, we’re running a special series of blog posts profiling AOS members around the world, in honor of the recent change to AOS’s bylaws eliminated any reference specifying the Western Hemisphere as the Society’s geographic sphere of influence. This week, meet Patience Shito, a master’s degree student in South Africa. What’s your current affiliation …