Ornithological Applications thanks departing editor; welcomes four new associate editors

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) thanks Dr. Ben Zuckerberg from the University of Wisconsin–Madison for his service as an associate editor for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Zuckerberg’s university lab research is focused on studying how modern climate change impacts birds and mammals. Welcome to our four new associate editors Dr. Esteban Botero-Delgadillo is the director of …

Three Professional Societies Unite on National Science Foundation Grant in Effort to Increase Access and Inclusivity in Ornithology

CHICAGO — May 16, 2023 — The landscape of science is changing: People from increasingly varied backgrounds, identities, cultures, and genders are pursuing careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Support for this more diverse population of scientists needs to extend beyond “one size fits all” to better meet the needs of today’s …

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) announces its 2023 award winners for achievements in ornithological research, service, conservation, and publication

The American Ornithological Society (AOS) annually bestows a range of awards honoring individuals and groups for their ornithological research and considerable contributions to the science and practice of ornithology, and for their service to the society. This year’s awardees represent outstanding contributions to the scientific study and conservation of birds and to the AOS. The …

Registration for AOS & SCO–SOC 2023 now open!

Registration is officially open for the joint AOS & SCO–SOC 2023 conference, 8–12 August 2023, at RBC Place London in London, Ontario. See our Registration page for details. This fully in-person event includes a fantastic line-up of plenary, oral, and poster presentations. The planning team has been busy organizing a series of additional events. We …

Ornithological Applications thanks departing editors; welcomes new associate editor

The American Ornithological Society is grateful to Dr. Sarah Saunders and Dr. Ashley Dayer, who are departing after several years as associate editors for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Saunders is Senior Manager of Quantitative Science with the National Audubon Society where she models occupancy, abundance, and distribution of numerous species. Dr. Dayer is an associate professor …

Call for Symposia

Post updated 1/19/23 Submission Deadline: 10 February 2023, at 11:59 p.m. ET We seek a varied suite of thematic symposia at the 2023 joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists–Société des ornithologistes du Canada (SCO–SOC) to be held in London, Ontario, 8–12 August 2023. We invite proposals for …

Call for Workshops & Training Opportunities

Submission Deadline: 10 February 2023, at 11:59 p.m. ET We seek a varied suite of proposals for workshops and training opportunities at the 2023 joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists–Société des ornithologistes du Canada (SCO–SOC) to be held in London, Ontario, 8–12 August 2023. Our aim is …

Call for Roundtable Discussions

Submission Deadline: 10 February 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST We seek a varied suite of proposals for roundtable discussions at the 2023 joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists–Société des ornithologistes du Canada (SCO–SOC), to be held in London, Ontario, 8–12 August 2023. Proposals should address timely topics …

The AOS welcomes two new associate editors for Ornithological Applications

The AOS journal, Ornithological Applications, welcomes two new associate editors. Luis Sandoval leads the Urban Ecology and Animal Communication Laboratory at the University of Costa Rica School of Biology. He studies bioacoustics, urban ecology, reproduction and sexual selection. Thomas J. (T.J.) Benson is a Principal Research Scientist with the Illinois Natural History Survey at the University …