The Jenkinson Award is given to an early- or mid-career ornithologist who has performed continued extensive service to AOS, including holding elected offices but emphasizing volunteer contributions and committee participation. The award consists of a framed certificate and honors Marion Jenkinson Mengel, who served the American Ornithologists’ Union as Treasurer and in other capacities for many years. All award nominees are expected to have a high standard of ethical and social behavior that is strongly aligned with the AOS Code of Conduct & Ethics.
Submit a Nomination for the Jenkinson Award
Nominations for AOS Service Awards are closed.
Nominations must be submitted through our online Member Portal.
- The page linked above will direct you to a login screen. If you have previously created an account in our Member Portal, enter your user name and password. After logging in, you will be redirected to the AOS Service Award nomination page.
- If you have not previously created an account, click Register Now on the lower right to set up your profile.
To submit a nomination for the Jenkinson Award, you will need to upload a written summary describing why the nominee should be recognized with the award.
Previous Winners
2024 Viviana Ruiz-Gutierrez
2023 James Rivers
2022 Erin Morrison
2021 Sara Kaiser
2020 Mike Butler
2019 Alice Boyle
2018 Nick Mason
2017 Erica H. Dunn
2016 James Herkert
2015 Thomas Martin
2014 Sara Morris
2013 Spencer Sealy
2012 Alan Brush
2011 John W. Fitzpatrick
2010 Frank B. Gill
2009 M. Ross Lein
2008 Cheryl L. Trine
2007 Jay M. Sheppard
2006 Howard P. Brokaw
2005 Kimberly G. Smith
2004 C. Stuart Houston
2003 Peter Stettenheim
2002 Peter E. Lowther
2001 Ned K. Johnson
2000 James P. Dean
1999 Max C. Thompson
1998 Richard C. Banks
1997 No Award
1996 Glen E. Woolfenden