Proposals 2024-A (PDF)

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2024-A-1: Reconsider the generic placements of Haplospiza rustica and Acanthidops bairdi – FAILED

2024-A-2a: Make changes to our classification of the herons (Ardeidae): Modify the linear sequence and existing taxonomic structure within the family – PASSED

2024-A-2b: Make changes to our classification of the herons (Ardeidae): Revise the genus-level taxonomy of the bitterns (Ixobrychus, Botaurus)PASSED

2024-A-2c:   Make changes to our classification of the herons (Ardeidae): Revise the genus-level taxonomy of Bubulcus ibis (Cattle Egret) and related species – PASSED

2024-A-2d: Make changes to our classification of the herons (Ardeidae): Remove the hyphen from the group name Night-Heron – PASSED

2024-A-3a: Revise the subfamily and genus-level classification of the Charadriidae: Transfer Charadrius morinellus to Eudromias – PASSED

2024-A-3b: Revise the subfamily and genus-level classification of the Charadriidae: Transfer Charadrius dubius to Thinornis – FAILED

2024-A-3c: Revise the subfamily and genus-level classification of the Charadriidae: Transfer Charadrius mongolus, leschenaultii, and veredus to Eupoda, and wilsonia, collaris, montanus, and nivosus to Ochthodromus – FAILED

2024-A-3d: Revise the subfamily and genus-level classification of the Charadriidae: Transfer Charadrius mongolus, leschenaultii, veredus, wilsonia, collaris, montanus, and nivosus to Anarhynchus – PASSED

2024-A-3e: Revise the subfamily and genus-level classification of the Charadriidae: Adopt the new linear sequence – PASSED

2024-A-3f: Revise the subfamily and genus-level classification of the Charadriidae: Recognize the subfamily Pluvialinae for the species in Pluvialis – PASSED

2024-A-3g: Revise the subfamily and genus-level classification of the Charadriidae: Transfer Vanellus to the subfamily Charadriinae – PASSED

2024-A-3h: Revise the subfamily and genus-level classification of the Charadriidae: Recognize the subfamily Anarhynchinae for the species in Anarhynchus – FAILED

2024-A-4: Recognize extralimital Puffinus bailloni, P. bannermani, and P. persicus as species distinct from Audubon’s Shearwater P. lherminieri – PASSED

2024-A-5: Treat extralimital Puffinus boydi as a separate species from Audubon’s Shearwater P. lherminieri – PASSED

2024-A-6: Treat Cory’s Shearwater as two species, Calonectris diomedea and C. borealis – PASSED

2024-A-7: Treat Jamaican Petrel Pterodroma caribbaea as a separate species from Black-capped Petrel P. hasitata – PASSED

2024-A-8: Treat Coccyzus bahamensis as a separate species from Great Lizard-Cuckoo C. merlini – FAILED

2024-A-9: Treat Piaya mexicana and P. “circe” as separate species from Squirrel Cuckoo P. cayana – FAILED

2024-A-10: Treat Stelgidopteryx ridgwayi as a separate species from Northern Rough-winged Swallow S. serripennis – FAILED

2024-A-11: Treat Larus smithsonianus and L. vegae as separate species from Herring Gull L. argentatus – FAILED

2024-A-12: Transfer Coccothraustes abeillei and C. vespertinus to Hesperiphona – FAILED

Proposals 2024-B (PDF)

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2024-B-1: Change Japanese Bush-Warbler to Japanese Bush Warbler – PASSED

2024-B-2: Treat Sula brewsteri as a separate species from Brown Booby S. leucogaster – PASSED

2024-B-3: Treat Common Redpoll Acanthis flammea, Hoary Redpoll A. hornemanni, and (per Addendum) Lesser Redpoll A. cabaret as a single species – PASSED

2024-B-4: Treat Anas crecca as two species: Green-winged Teal A. carolinensis and Common (or Eurasian) Teal A. crecca – FAILED

2024-B-5: Treat Colaptes mexicanoides as a separate species from Northern Flicker C. auratus – PASSED

2024-B-6: Treat Buteo elegans as a separate species from Red-shouldered Hawk B. lineatus – FAILED

2024-B-7: Reconsider the generic treatment of Calocitta, Psilorhinus, and Cyanocorax – PASSED

2024-B-8: Treat Isthmian Wren Cantorchilus elutus as a subspecies of Cabanis’s Wren C. modestus – FAILED

2024-B-9: Treat Intermediate Egret Ardea (or Casmerodius) intermedia as two or three speciesPASSED

2024-B-10: Treat Cattle Egret Bubulcus (or Ardea) ibis as two speciesPASSED

2024-B-11: Adjust the placement of the monotypic genus Ectopistes (Columbidae) in the linear sequencePASSED

2024-B-12: Transfer Burhinus bistriatus (Double-striped Thick-knee) to new genus Hesperoburhinus – PASSED

2024-B-13: Revise the taxonomy of the Sharp-shinned Hawk complex: Split mainland Accipiter velox from Caribbean A. striatus – FAILED

Proposals 2024-C (PDF)

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2024-C-1: Treat Tyto furcata as a separate species from Barn Owl T. alba – PASSED

2024-C-2: Treat Anthus japonicus as a species separate from American Pipit A. rubescens – PASSED

2024-C-3a: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. musculus as a separate species – PASSED

2024-C-3b: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. brunneicolis as a separate species

2024-C-3c: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. parkmanii as a separate species

2024-C-3d: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. beani as a separate species

2024-C-3e: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize the T. martinicensis group (incl. guadeloupensis and rufescens) as a separate species

2024-C-3f: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. guadeloupensis as a separate species

2024-C-3g: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. rufescens as a separate species

2024-C-3h: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. martinicensis as a separate species

2024-C-3i: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. mesoleucus as a separate species

2024-C-3j: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. musicus as a separate species

2024-C-3k: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. grenadensis as a separate species

2024-C-3l: Recognize multiple species within the House Wren Troglodytes aedon complex: Recognize T. albicans as a separate species

2024-C-4: Treat Rufous-naped Wren Campylorhynchus rufinucha as two or three species – PASSED

2024-C-5: Treat recently described Vanuatu Petrel Pterodroma occulta as a subspecies of White-necked Petrel P. cervicalis – FAILED

2024-C-6: Replace family name Cettiidae with family name Scotocercidae – FAILED

2024-C-7: Transfer Mangrove Hummingbird Amazilia boucardi to the genus Chrysuronia – PASSED

2024-C-8: Treat Ramphocinclus sanctaeluciae as a separate species from White-breasted Thrasher R. brachyurus – PASSED

2024-C-9a: Transfer Phyllomyias burmeisteri/zeledoni to Tyranniscus – FAILED

2024-C-9b: Transfer Phyllomyias burmeisteri/zeledoni to Acrochordopus – PASSED

2024-C-10: Treat Phyllomyias zeledoni as a separate species from Rough-legged Tyrannulet P. burmeisteri – PASSED

2024-C-11: Treat Tolmomyias flavotectus as a separate species from Yellow-margined Flycatcher T. assimilis – PASSED

2024-C-12: Treat Tolmomyias viridiceps as a separate species from Yellow-breasted Flycatcher T. flaviventris – PASSED

2024-C-13a: Adopt a new group name for species in the genus Tolmomyias – PASSED

2024-C-13b: Adopt a new linear sequence for species in the genus Tolmomyias – PASSED

2024-C-14: Treat Charadrius atrifrons as a separate species from Lesser Sand-Plover C. mongolus – PASSED

2024-C-15: Treat Oenanthe seebohmi as a separate species from Northern Wheatear O. oenanthe – PASSED

2024-C-16: Reconsider our taxonomic treatment of quail in the genus Cyrtonyx – FAILED

2024-C-17: Transfer Habia fuscicauda and H. atrimaxillaris to new genus Driophlox – PASSED

2024-C-18: Treat Colinus leucopogon as a separate species from Crested Bobwhite C. cristatus – PASSED

2024-C-19: Add Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina to the Main List – PASSED

2024-C-20: Add Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus to the U.S. list – PASSED

2024-C-21: Treat Gelochelidon macrotarsa as a separate species from Gull-billed Tern G. nilotica – PASSED

2024-C-22: Treat Automolus cervinigularis as a separate species from Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner A. ochrolaemus – PASSED

2024-C-23: Transfer Gray Francolin Francolinus pondicerianus to Ortygornis – PASSED

2024-C-24: Establish English names for Campylorhynchus rufinucha sensu stricto, C. humilis, and C. capistratus: Veracruz Wren, Russet-naped Wren, Rufous-backed Wren – PASSED

2024-C-25: Establish English names for barn owls Tyto alba s.s., T. javanica, and T. furcata: Western Barn Owl, Eastern Barn Owl, American Barn Owl – PASSED

2024-C-26a: Change the English name of Puffinus lherminieri: PASSED (Sargasso Shearwater)

2024-C-26b: Change the type locality of Puffinus lherminieri – PASSED