AOS has many standing committees that conduct much of the business of the organization. These committees are composed of dedicated volunteers who contribute their time and expertise to the benefit of the Society, its individual members, and ornithology as a whole. In addition to the standing committees listed below, there are also ad hoc committees, which may become standing committees as needed through a vote of the AOS Council. If you are interested in serving on an AOS committee, please contact us using the interest form on our Contact page.
AOS Membership Welcome Packet
The AOS offers varied resources and supports for AOS members. As a member of the AOS, you play a critical role in helping the Society promote connections and collaborations among ornithologists across the Americas and the world, fostering a more diverse population of ornithologists. Read through our AOS Membership Welcome Packet to learn more about the AOS, our governing structure, and the various opportunities to engage in our collective efforts to support the professional goals of our members and encourage, promote, and support the study of birds by building a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable ornithological community.
Questions? Interested in joining an AOS committee?
Current AOS committees:
- AOS-sponsored Student Memberships
- Audit
- Bird Collections
- Birds of the World Advisory
- Bylaws
- Classification and Nomenclature (NACC)
- Classification and Nomenclature (SACC)
- Conservation
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Early Professionals
- Early Professional Awards
- Executive Committee of Council
- Finance
- History
- Investing Trustees
- Meeting Coordination
- Membership
- Memorials
- Nomination of Fellows and Elective Members
- Nomination of Honorary Fellows
- Nomination of Officers and Elective Councilors
- Professional Ethics
- Publication Awards
- Rainbow Lorikeets (Out to InnovateTM AOS caucus)
- Research Grants
- Senior Professional Awards
- Service Awards
- Student Affairs
- Travel Grants and Presentation Awards
AOS-Sponsored Student Memberships
Co-Chairs: João Marcos G. Capurucho, Erin Grabarczyk
Provides one-year AOS-sponsored Student Memberships in AOS to undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing a career in ornithology.
Chair: Doug Phillips
Members: Jen Owens, Matt Carling, John Fitzpatrick, Judith Scarl (ex officio)
Directs, reviews, and presents the annual audit and tax returns to the Council. Works with the Executive Director to review the financial statements of the Society after the annual audit to approve the audit report, ensure that financial peculiarities of the Society have been appropriately treated, and alert Council to any issues raised by the auditors. NOTE: this committee is comprised of Council members and special advisors and is not open to the general Society membership.
Bird Collections
Co-Chairs: John Bates and Carla Cicero
Members: Michael Andersen, Elizabeth Beckman, Angelo Capparella, Therese Catanach, Erick Garcia-Trejo, Peter Hosner, Jocelyn Hudon, Oscar Johnson, Jeremy Kirchman, James Maley, Nicholas Mason, Allison Shultz, Paul Sweet, Ildiko Szabo, Kevin Winker, Serina Brady, Benjamin Winger, Elizabeth Wommack
Monitors the status and promotes improvements of avian scientific collections and specimen-based data. Facilitates collections-based research, including providing access to collections data and information on permits, protocols, preparation techniques, and supplies. Sponsors workshops on these topics.
Resources from the Bird Collections Committee
Birds of the World Advisory
Chair: Currently open
Members: Michael Gochfeld, Bob Montgomerie, Shannon Skalos, Karen Wiebe, Kristen Rosamund
Reviews the Birds of the World website and provides oversight on functioning of the BOW-AOS partnership. Recommends improvements that maintain scientific value and add value and usability to the website.
Chair: Jim Herkert
Members: Abby Powell, Luis Sandoval, Andy Jones, Kevin Omland
Oversees the process of changing the AOS Bylaws, which govern the operations of the society.
Classification and Nomenclature (NACC)
Co-Chairs: R. Terry Chesser and Carla Cicero
Members: Shawn M. Billerman, Kevin J. Burns, Jon L. Dunn, Blanca E. Hernández-Baños, Rosa Jiménez, Oscar Johnson, Andrew W. Kratter, Nicholas A. Mason, Pamela C. Rasmussen
Early Career Systematics Group: Jacob Cooper, Max Kirsch, David Vander Pluym, Nicholas Vinciguerra
Technical Advisors: Normand David, Daniel Gibson, Michel Gosselin, Dan Haig, Marshall J. Iliff, Michael Patten, Thomas S. Schulenberg
Evaluates and codifies the latest scientific developments in the systematics, nomenclature, and distribution of North and Middle American birds. Publishes the Check-list of North American Birds and its annual supplements.
- Access the complete checklist
- Current & Prior NACC Proposals
- Submission of NACC Proposals and Guidelines on English Bird Names
Classification and Nomenclature (SACC)
Acting Chair: Currently open
Members: Juan Ignacio Areta (Argentina), Elisa Bonaccorso (Ecuador), Santiago Claramunt (Uruguay and Canada), Alvaro Jaramillo (USA and Chile), Daniel F. Lane (USA), Jose Fernando Pacheco (Brazil), Mark B. Robbins (USA), F. Gary Stiles (Colombia), Kevin J. Zimmer (USA)
Technical Advisors: C. Daniel Cadena, David Donsker, Jorge Pérez-Emán, Gary R. Graves , Steven L. Hilty, Mark Pearman, Vitor de Q. Piacentini, Thomas. S. Schulenberg, Bret M. Whitney, Juan Freile, Jhonathan Miranda
Keeps abreast of and contributes to the systematics, nomenclature and distribution of South American birds. Produces products that provide ready access to such information, including the Checklist of South American Birds.
Co-Chairs: Jeff Walters and Angelina Ruiz Sánchez
Members: Jeff Brawn, Anna Chalfoun, Andrew Cox, Camila Gomez, Laura Kearns, Sarah Kendrick, Alejandra Martínez-Salinas, Patty McGill, Nicole Michel, Lauren Pharr, Dan Roby, Ken Rosenberg, Kristen Ruegg, Erik Schoenborn, Stan Senner
Identifies and implements appropriate means for AOS to promote sound ornithological science for making conservation and management decisions for birds. Among its activities are organizing symposia of conservation interest at annual meetings, and engaging in science arbitration, which involves evaluating the science relevant to an issue and providing the results to decision-makers.
More from the Conservation Committee
Diversity and Inclusion
Co-Chairs: Nancy Chen, Dai Shizuka
Members: Bonnie Bowen, Kim Sullivan, Karl Berg, Emily Williams, Eric Gulson, Scott Edwards, Ashwin Sivakumar, Kristen Covino, Pamela Yeh, Sahas Barve, Murry Burgess, Tabitha Olsen, Cynthia Nursino, Lauren Pharr, Avi Berger, Stepfanie Aguillon, Amani Edwards, Judith Scarl
Works on fostering diversity and inclusion within our society and ornithology. This committee sponsors a range of activities including travel awards focused on increasing broadening participation. (See also: AOS Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice (DEIBJ) Values Statement.)
Early Professionals
Co-Chairs: Nandadevi Cortes-Rodriguez, Jennifer Houtz
Members: Sean Mahoney, Leonardo Chapa, Emma Greig, Sahas Barve, Julio C. Gallardo, Phred Benham, Mike Hallworth, Daniel Hanley, Brian Trevelline, Emily Williams, Clark Rushing, Evan Adams, Benjamin Van Doren, Irene Liu, Alan Harrington, Elsie Shogren, Kevin Bennett, Peri Bolton, Ancilleno Davis, Jared Elmore, Frank Fogarty, Anna Forsman, Erin Grabarczyk, Jack Hruska, Cody Kent, Heather Levy, Lan-Nhi Phung, Rafael Sobral Marcondes, Nadya Sotnychuk, Rose Swift, Casey Youngflesh, Teresa Pegan
Discusses the needs of early professional ornithologists (postdoctoral researchers, pre-tenure faculty members, and non-academic scientists who have received degrees within the past five years) and promotes the availability of professional development resources and opportunities for these individuals.
Early Professional Awards
Chair: Christopher Witt
Members: Daniel Baldassarre, Glaucia Del Rio, Sara Lipshutz, Ana Gonzalez, David Toews
Solicits and reviews applications for AOS’s Early Professional Awards, the James G. Cooper Early Professional Award and the Ned K. Johnson Early Investigator Award.
Executive Committee of Council
Members: Executive Director, President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer
The Executive Committee of Council, composed of the four elected officers of the Society and the executive director, provides proactive and responsive business oversight of the activities and operations of the AOS as may arise between meetings of the Council; considers strategic alignment of AOS goals, activities, and outcomes; and, annually evaluates the performance of the Executive Director. Meet the current AOS Council. Contact the Executive Committee of Council at
Chair: Matt Carling
Members: John Fitzpatrick, Jim Herkert, Rebecca Kimball, Jennifer Owen, Doug Phillips, Judith Scarl
Works with the Executive Director to establish and implement a strategic financial plan for the Society. From time to time, the Finance Committee may be called upon by the Executive Director to review the financial statements and budget or to address financial management issues or emerging needs and opportunities that affect the Society’s fiscal health and security. NOTE: this committee is comprised of Council members and special advisors and is not open to the general Society membership.
Chair: Gregory Nobles (pro tem)
Members: Sushma Reddy (ex officio), Lauren Williams, Leesia Marshall, Tammie Peters, Frederick Davis, Leslie Overstreet (as Technical Advisor)
Collects materials of historical importance and submits them to the Smithsonian Institution archivist assigned to looking after AOS records. Provides materials to the Memorials Committee on request and decides how to handle requests for access to the AOU archives.
More from the history committee
Investing Trustees
Chair: Jennifer Owen
Members: Edwin H. Morgens, Russell Faucett, Doug Phillips, Judith Scarl, John Fitzpatrick
Reviews market conditions and determines and regularly reviews the Society’s endowment asset allocations. Works with the Treasurer and Executive Director to review policies for investment instruments and evaluates performance of the investments and the professional investment managers. Annually presents to Council an overview of performance and activities over the past five years and the recommended amount of transfer from investments to the operating account for the next fiscal year. NOTE: this committee is comprised of Council members and special advisors and is not open to the general Society membership.
Meeting Coordination
Chair (AOS 2025): Jameson (Jim) Chace (AOS)
Local Host Committee Chair (AOS 2025): Sarah Saunders
Scientific Program Committee Chair: Jen Walsh
Members: Erin Morrison, Zachery Holmes, Jared Elmore, Evan Adams, Jen Walsh, Nandadevi Cortes-Rodriguez, Jennifer Houtz, Viviana Ruiz Gutierrez, Nicole Michel, Sarah Saunders, Sahas Barve, Pamela Yeh
Provides strategic oversight and coordination of annual meetings and development of the scientific program, working in collaboration with the Local Host committee each year.
Co-Chairs: Erin Morrison
Members: Maria Castaño, Jordan Giese, Nick Mason, Shuqi Ren, Mike Stewart, Sophia Wolfe
Develops strategies for retaining, increasing, and diversifying membership of the society. Works with AOS committees to evaluate effective ways to best serve and engage our members and provide meaningful opportunities for members to contribute to their profession.
Chair: Greg Nobles
Members: Joanna Burger, Andy Jones, Robert Day
Obtains information and keeps records on the deaths of AOS members as well as nonmembers who are prominent in the field of ornithology. Oversees the preparation of memorials for Ornithology and Ornithological Applications.
Nomination of Fellows and Elective Members
Chair: Sarah Knutie
Members: Lauryn Benedict, Steven Latta, Nicole Michel, Jorge Perez-Eman, Rebecca Safran, Nils Warnock
Surveys the AOS membership and prepares nominations of qualified members for the special membership class of Elective Member, and nominations of qualified Elective Members for the class of Fellow, according to the criteria established in AOS Bylaws.
Nomination of Honorary Fellows
Chair: Andre Dhondt
Members: Kate Buchanan, Colleen Downs, Cristina Miyaki
Nominates candidates for Honorary Fellows recognized for their exceptional eminence in ornithological science and, because of geography, primary disciplinary focus, and/or other professional reasons, typically have not been members of the American Ornithological Society.
Nomination of Officers and Elective Councilors
Chair: President-Elect
Members: Second-Year Elective Councilors; Ex Officio: Judith Scarl
Ensures that a sufficient number of persons are nominated to stand for election for the AOS Council positions of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Elective Councilor, in accordance with the AOS Bylaws.
Professional Ethics
Chair: Jeanne Fair
Members: Corey Tarwater, Katie Dugger, Jennifer Walsh-Emond, Kristen Covino, Jennifer Houtz, Sean Mahoney, Bette Loiselle, Timothy Wright, Joseph Niederhauser
Works to promote a high level of ethical conduct by ornithologists through the development of educational activities for AOS members and other ornithologists.
Publication Awards
Chair: Sara Oyler-McCance
Members: Brooke Bateman, Nathan Cooper, Kevin Fraser, Elizabeth MacDougall-Shackleton, Chris Guglielmo, Jose Maria Cardoso da Silva, Adrianne Tossas, Casey Youngflesh
Selects candidates for the Publication Awards, recognizing outstanding ornithological publications.
Rainbow Lorikeets
Chair: Sarah Winnicki
Members: Kristen Covino, Maggie Macpherson, Scott Anthony Taylor
An affiliate caucus of Out to InnovateTM (formerly NoGLSTP) and AOS committee that strives to represent and serve the Queer ornithological community. Goals are to increase visibility of LGBTIQA+ ornithologists, identify and address issues that face Queer scientists and researchers, and be allies to other underrepresented groups.
Research Grants
Co-Chairs: Scott Rush, Sahas Barve
Members: Keith Barker, Than Boves, Keith Bowers, Victor Cueto, Devin DeZwaan, Clint Francis, Daniel Hanley, Andrew Iwaniuk, Sarah Knutie, Iris Levin, Jay Mager, Doug Robinson, Luis Sandoval, Beth Slikas, David Swanson, Nathan Thomas, Charles Thompson, Eric Walters, Yong Wang, Bethany Woodworth
Solicits and reviews applications for Student and Postdoctoral Research Grants made from AOS research grant funds. These awards support student and postdoctoral research in various areas of avian biology.
Kessel Fellowships Selection Subcommittee
Chair: Carrie Branch
Members: Kyle Elliott, Laura Farwell, Allison Johnson, Michelle Roper, Carolina Isabel Miño
Solicits and reviews applications for Kessel Fellowships made from AOS research grant funds. These awards support early-career scientists in various areas of avian biology.
Senior Professional Awards
Chair: Marty Leonard
Members: Mike Webster, Cristina Miyaki
Selects candidates for the Senior Professional Awards, recognizing the outstanding contributions to ornithology of senior scientists.
Service Awards
Chair: Colleen Handel
Members: Sara Kaiser, Erica Nol, Sharon Gill, Alice Boyle, Melinda Pruett-Jones, Judith Scarl (ex officio)
Selects candidates for AOS’s two annual Service Awards. These awards recognize members at different career stages for their outstanding service to the Society.
Student Affairs
Co-Chairs: Faiza Hafeez, Kristen Rosamond, Akshit Suthar, Angela Brierly
Members: Andrea Aguilera, Jenny Bouchenot, Dustin Brewer, Kristin Brunk, Thomas Cansse, Cara Christensen, Adrian Ciprés, Amelia Juliette Demery, Jacob Drucker, Amelia DuVall, Alexis Earl, Prashant Ghimire, Rachel Gingras, Brendan Graham, Maina Handmaker, Kelly Hong, Jennifer Houtz, Rebecca Howe, Johnathan (Jack) Peter Hruska, Varalika Jain, Amanda Kemp, Allyson Kristan, Nikki Mason, Noelle Mason, Jenny Howard McKee, Colleen Miller, Nicole Moody, Natasha Murphy, Amanda Navine, Tram Nguyan, Alex Nicol-Harper, Abigail Ocaña, Karen Ong, Lan-Nhi Phung, Vijay Ramesh, José Ramírez-Garofalo, Alison Salas, Oona Takano, Liam Taylor, Jennifer Uehling, Olivia Wang, Tatjana Washington, Sophia Wolfe, Dorothy Zahor
Evaluates and recommends efforts that address the needs of student members and increase student participation in AOS committees, annual meetings, and Society communications. Fosters Society-sponsored activities to promote interaction between students and professional ornithologists.
Travel Grants and Presentation Awards
Co-chairs: Evan Adams, Sarah Saunders
Members: Jennifer Walsh, Casey Youngflesh
Diversity & Inclusion Travel Grants Subcommittee Co-Chairs: Nancy Chen, Sahas Barve
Members: Scott Taylor, Sheylda Diaz Mendez, Sandra Cuadros, Jessica Rozek Cañizares
Selects candidates for Travel Grants to help defray costs of travel to annual meetings and for Presentation Awards that recognize the best scientific papers and posters given by student members at the meeting.