Each year, all AOS members are invited to submit nominations for open positions on the AOS Council, the Society’s governing body. In 2024, the Society elected four Elective Councilors, one Elective Student Councilor, and the officers of President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.

The Council is the central decision-making body of AOS. The Council’s focus is on strategic direction, policy, budget, and effective organizational planning. The Council monitors and strengthens the organization’s programs and services to advance the society’s mission. AOS is governed by its board of management, the Council. The Council consists of voting and non-voting members and officers elected to serve on the Council of AOS.

Currently, the voting members of Council are the four officers (President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary), twelve Elective Councilors, two Elective Student Councilors, and the three most recent past presidents. All living past Presidents remain on Council as non-voting members after their term concludes as voting members. The AOS Executive Director, the two Editors in Chief of AOS’s journals, and the Chair of AOS’s Investing Trustees Committee are ex officio, non-voting members of Council.


The Executive Director makes day-to-day decisions related to administrative, financial, and operational activities of AOS, and the Executive Committee is responsible for the ongoing business and programmatic activities of AOS between Council meetings and as needs arise. AOS’s Fellows approve all changes to the Bylaws.  

AOS Council Nominations

Nominations for the AOS Council are currently open for the AOS Council. Any Member in good standing may nominate persons for Secretary, Treasurer, and Elective Councilors. Nominations require the consent of the nominee and can be submitted via our Member Portal. Nomination Deadline: 15 December 2024

All AOS members are invited to submit nominations for open positions on the AOS Council, the Society’s governing body. In the spring of 2025, the Society will elect four new Elective Councilors and one Elective Student Councilor. In addition, the AOS annually elects a Secretary and Treasurer, and our current Secretary (Sushma Reddy) and Treasurer (Matt Carling) are willing to stand for election to those roles for another year.

Nominations for AOS Officers and Elective Councilors must be received by the AOS Secretary four months before the Stated Meeting. Nominations may be submitted in writing or electronically. Officers are elected by electronic and postal ballot prior to the annual meeting, and new officers are introduced at the meeting. The AOS Bylaws require that the Secretary and Treasurer be elected or re-elected annually. Of the total of twelve Elective Councilors, four are elected annually to serve terms of approximately three years, beginning at the close of the Stated Meeting. The procedure for nominating AOS Officers and Elective Councilors is outlined in the AOS Bylaws (Art IV, Sec 2).

AOS Officers & Elective Councilors

View current AOS Council bios and statements.


Sara Morris (2024–2026)

Morgan Tingley (2024–2026)

Sushma Reddy (2022– )

Matthew Carling (2021– )

Executive Director
Judith Scarl


Terms ending in 2027

José Maria Cardoso da Silva
Anna Chalfoun
Jennifer Owen
Luis Sandoval

Terms ending in 2026

Sahas S. Barve
Kristen M. Covino
Camila Gómez
Cristina Yumi Miyaki

Terms ending 2025

Christopher Balakrishnan
Nancy Chen
Dan Mennill
Allison Shultz

Student Members

Jacob Drucker (term ending 2025)
Faiza Hafeez (term ending 2026)

Past Presidents

Voting Members

Colleen Handel
Michael Webster
Kathy Martin

Honorary Members

Steven Beissinger
Bonnie Bowen
Erica Dunn
Susan Haig
James Kushlan
John Fitzpatrick
Scott Lanyon
Frank Moore
Dennis Power
C. John Ralph
Martin Raphael
Terry Rich
J. Michael Scott
Kimberly Sullivan

Ex Officio

Judit Szabo, Editor-in-Chief
Ornithological Applications

Christina P. Riehl, Editor-in-Chief

Jennifer Owen, Investing Trustee