Proposals 2025-A (PDF)
2025-A-1: Treat extralimital Pachyramphus salvini as a separate species from Black-and-white Becard P. albogriseus
2025-A-2: Transfer Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant Lophotriccus pilaris to Atalotriccus
2025-A-3a: Revise the taxonomy of the genus Gygis: (a) recognize subfamilies Gyginae and Anoinae
2025-A-3b: Revise the taxonomy of the genus Gygis: (b) treat G. candida and G. microrhyncha as separate species from White Tern G. alba
2025-A-4: Treat Myiarchus flavidior as a separate species from Nutting’s Flycatcher M. nuttingi
2025-A-5: Revise the linear sequence of Dumetella and Melanoptila (Mimidae)
2025-A-6: Transfer Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner Philydor fuscipenne to new genus Neophilydor
2025-A-7: Transfer Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius to Thinornis
2025-A-8a: Make changes to our linear sequence of families and orders: (a) Flip Pterocliformes-Columbiformes and Cuculiformes so that Cuculiformes precedes Pterocliformes-Columbiformes in the linear sequence
2025-A-8b: Make changes to our linear sequence of families and orders: (b) Change our current linear sequence of Rallidae-Heliornithidae-Aramidae-Gruidae to Aramidae-Gruidae-Heliornithidae-Rallidae
2025-A-8c: Make changes to our linear sequence of families and orders: (c) Flip Strisores (Caprimulgiformes-Steatornithiformes-Nyctibiiformes-Apodiformes) and Gruiformes-Charadriiformes so that Gruiformes-Charadriiformes precedes Strisores in the linear sequence
2025-A-8d: Make changes to our linear sequence of families and orders: (d) Flip Pelecanidae-Ardeidae and Threskiornithidae so that Threskiornithidae precedes Pelecanidae-Ardeidae in the linear sequence
2025-A-8e: Make changes to our linear sequence of families and orders: (e) Flip Cathartiformes-Accipitriformes and Strigiformes so that Strigiformes precedes Cathartiformes-Accipitriformes in the linear sequence
2025-A-8f: Make changes to our linear sequence of families and orders: (f) Flip Bucconidae and Galbulidae so that Galbulidae precedes Bucconidae in the linear sequence
2025-A-8g: Make changes to our linear sequence of families and orders: (g) Flip Regulidae and Dulidae-Bombycillidae-Ptilogonatide-Mohoidae so that Dulidae-Bombycillidae-Ptilogonatide-Mohoidae precedes Regulidae in the linear sequence
2025-A-9: Transfer Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis to Spilopelia
2025-A-10: Treat Plain Xenops Xenops minutus as three species
Proposals 2024-B (PDF)
2024-B-1: Treat Camptostoma thyellophilum as a separate species from Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet C. imberbe
2024-B-2: Treat Bran-colored Flycatcher Myiophobus fasciatus as three species
2024-B-3: Treat Mouse-colored Tyrannulet Nesotriccus murinus as more than one species
2024-B-4: Transfer Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca to the genus Curruca
2024-B-5: Transfer Bluethroat Cyanecula svecica to the genus Luscinia
2024-B-6: Transfer Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush Garrulax pectoralis to the genus Pterorhinus
2024-B-7: Transfer Eurasian Jackdaw Corvus monedula to Coloeus
2024-B-8: Treat Black-throated Trogon Trogon rufus as more than one species
2024-B-9: Change the English group name of species of Amazona from “Parrot” to “Amazon”
2024-B-10: Treat Red Grouse Lagopus scotica as a separate species from Willow Ptarmigan L. lagopus
2024-B-11: Treat Asio wilsonianus as a separate species from Long-eared Owl A. otus
2024-B-12: Treat Burmese Collared-Dove Streptopelia xanthocycla as a separate species from Eurasian Collared-Dove S. decaocto