Hidden Nests: Advances and Challenges in the Research and Conservation of Cavity-Nesting Birds in the Neotropics

In the Special Feature, Ecology and Conservation of Cavity Nesters in the Neotropics, seven field studies, a perspective, and a review contribute to understanding the ecology and conservation of cavity-nesting birds through a Neotropical lens.

How do so many wood warbler species coexist?

By T. W. Sherry and Cody M. Kent Linked Paper: Extensions and limitations of MacArthur (1958): A review of ecological and evolutionary approaches to competition and diet in the New World wood warblers (Parulidae) by T.W. Sherry and C.M. Kent. Ornithology. Explaining the variety of avian species requires understanding a variety of species interactions, in …

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day in the Americas

By Catherine Lindell, Editor-in-Chief, Ornithological Applications In honor of World Migratory Bird Day in the Americas on 9 October, we draw attention to some of the articles and blog posts about migratory birds that have been published in the AOS journal, Ornithological Applications (formerly, The Condor), the journal Ornitología Neotropical, and on AOS’s Wing Beat …

Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day!

World Migratory Bird Day and Global Big Day are this Saturday, 8 May! We hope you’ll join us in this global celebration to raise awareness about the importance of conserving migratory birds and their habitats. We’ve pulled together a few Wing Beat posts from this past year that highlight research findings from migration-related papers that …

Revealing the evolutionary enigmas of the song of a neotropical rainforest bird on the Brazilian coast

By Adriana Acero and Marcos Maldonado-Coelho Linked Paper: Ecological and evolutionary drivers of geographic variation in songs of a Neotropical suboscine bird: The Drab-breasted Bamboo Tyrant (Hemitriccus diops, Rhynchocyclidae), by Adriana Carolina Acero-Murcia, Fábio Raposo do Amaral, Fábio C. de Barros, Tiago da Silva Ribeiro, Cristina Y. Miyaki, Marcos Maldonado-Coelho, Ornithology. Who has ever wondered …