AOS is committed to supporting early-career ornithologists. As an AOS Early Professional Member, you can:
- Nominate yourself for the James G. Cooper Early Professional Award or the Ned K. Johnson Early Investigator Award
- Apply for a $15,000 Kessel Fellowship to support your research
- Submit an abstract for the Wesley Lanyon Award for best review paper in an AOS journal by an early-career author
- Participate in many opportunities for early professionals at our annual meeting, such as the Early Professionals Mini-Talk Symposium and professional networking reception
- Serve on the AOS Early Professionals Committee to make your voice heard in the Society
AOS is a diverse, global network of empowered professionals, working together to advance the scientific study and conservation of birds—join us today!

Career Resources
- AAAS Careers in STEM
- Careers in the Biological Sciences (AIBS)
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine Career Guides
- Scholarly Kitchen Blog Post: Navigating Your Career in Publishing: Introducing the SSP Professional Skills Map
Funding Opportunities
- Ornithology Exchange Grants & Awards Database
- American Museum of Natural History Ornithology Grants
- Animal Behavior Society Student Research Grants
- Ecological Society of America Funding and Grants
- International Foundation for Science Research Grants
- Miller Research Fellowships
- National Geographic Grant Opportunities
- National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
- Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research
- Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program
- Society for the Study of Evolution Awards & Prizes
Jobs and Internships
- Ornithology Exchange Job Board
- AAAS Science Careers
- “Where do you look for academic jobs in ecology?”
- Ecological Society of America Job Board
- Environmental Career Opportunities
- Society for Conservation Biology Jobs Board
- Society for the Study of Evolution Career Opportunities
- Texas A & M Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Job Board
- The Wildlife Society Career Center
- Conservation Job Board
- WorkCabin Canada’s Conservation Jobs Board