Updated eligibility requirements on 1/24/25. See underlined text below.
The American Ornithological Society (AOS) is dedicated to the study and conservation of migratory and resident birds throughout the Americas and the full annual life cycle, and supporting the career development of early-career scientists.
Accordingly, the AOS Conservation Committee is sponsoring a grants program to support early-career scientists from Latin America and the Caribbean conducting conservation-related research on either migratory or resident birds in those regions.
All grant nominees are expected to have a high standard of ethical and social behavior that is strongly aligned with the AOS Code of Conduct & Ethics.
Grant amount: Seven grants of up to $5,000 USD each
Eligibility & Selection Criteria
- Limited to conservation-related research projects focused on one or more avian species that will take place in Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.
- We seek innovative proposals addressing compelling scientific questions and the potential for actionable outcomes on species and habitats with immediate conservation needs. Proposals should explicitly describe how the research will contribute to mitigating species endangerment and/or habitat management in the ‘Conservation implications’ section of the research narrative.
- Grants will be provided to early-career scientists with graduate degrees (either M.S. or Ph.D. and within 10 years of graduating) from countries within Latin America and the Caribbean. Applicants who live and work in the region will be given priority. Current students will not be considered this year, but are encouraged to apply for other AOS student research grants.
- Awardees must be current members of the AOS or be willing to become a member. Awardees may request a temporary, complimentary membership if financial hardship precludes being able to join.
Use of Funds
- Grant funds may be used as stipend for the researcher and/or field assistants, equipment, supplies, and travel and living expenses related to field or lab work.
- Funds may not be used for travel to meetings, publication costs, overhead, or indirect costs.
- Recipients will be asked to provide a brief financial report within one year of disbursement.
Deadline & Application Procedure
- Applications must be submitted via the AOS Member Portal.
- Applications for 2025 Latin America and Caribbean Conservation Research Grants is now closed. You must click the “Submit” button before the deadline. Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Applicants do not have to be an AOS member at the time of application submission. Announcement of awards will be made by 28 March 2025.
- Proposals may be submitted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French. Abstracts must be written in English.
Section I
- Name
- Current Institution/Affiliation
- Email address
- Phone number
- Permanent Country of Residence
- Highest degree, and date obtained
- AOS membership status
- Certification that applicant has obtained all of the necessary permits to successfully, ethically, and legally conduct the proposed research (Yes or No; copies of permits are not necessary at the time of application but must be provided before funding can be released to awardees).
Section II
- Title of proposal
- Abstract in English (200 words maximum)
Section III
Research narrative (Can be in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French (Word limit = 2,000 for Introduction through conservation implications, excluding the literature cited, timeline and budget).
- Introduction: Should include the relevant context, conservation problem(s) that the work will address, and the gaps in knowledge that the work will fulfill.
- Project objectives: Articulate the specific questions to be investigated, and associated hypotheses and predictions.
- Approach and Methods: Provide information sufficient for the selection committee to evaluate the appropriateness of the methods in relation to study objectives.
- Conservation implications: Clearly outline how the proposed research will contribute to avian conservation. Please include a detailed plan for translating research findings into actionable conservation outcomes, specifying how results will be communicated to relevant stakeholders, decision-makers, and end-users.
- Literature cited: Any format is fine.
- Researcher qualifications: Provide a brief narrative (200 words or less) that describes the relevant qualifications of the researcher or team, and ability to successfully accomplish the proposed work.
- Project timeline: Outline the appproximate start date and end date of fieldwork, data analysis, manuscript preparation and submission.
- Budget: Provide (1) a cost estimate for the entire project, and (2) a budget indicating what LACCRG funding would be used for. Please show in-kind or matching funds if available. Please include the following categories for the LACCRG budget: Salary/Stipends, Housing/Food, Travel, Equipment and Supplies, and Other Expenses. Clearly indicate what is being requested in each category. All amounts should be in U.S. dollars.
Additional supporting documents:
- Curriculum vitae
Other requirements:
- Grantees must submit an interim report describing project progress and grant expenditures to date within one year of the receipt of funds, and, if appropriate, thereafter at regular intervals based on the approved schedule of activities. In addition, grantees must submit a brief video (approximately 1.5 to 2 minutes) summarizing project progress and key highlights. This video will be shared on AOS social media channels and the Conservation Committee webpage.
- Within one year of the completion of the funded project, grantees must submit a full report, including introduction, methods, main results, final breakdown of expenditures, and how study results contributed to avian conservation. Additionally, grantees must provide a final video (approximately 1.5 to 2 minutes) summarizing the overall achievements and conservation outcomes of the project for dissemination via AOS social media and the Conservation Committee webpage.
- Publications resulting from the research project must acknowledge the support of the AOS Conservation Committee grant. Publications will be listed on the AOS website and made available in accordance with journal copyright restrictions.
For assistance with grant proposal submission or any other questions, contact Dr. Anna
Chalfoun achalfou@uwyo.edu, or AOS Conservation Committee Co-Chair Dra. Angelina Ruiz Sánchez at angruiz@uv.mx.
Past Latin America and Caribbean Conservation Research Awardees
2023 | Valentina Gómez-Bahamón and Sergio Estrada Villegas. Project: “The importance of small forest islands in tropical savannas of South America for bird life history” María Emilia Rebollo. Project: “Association between bird diversity, habitat features and a forest intervention with abundance of the endangered Yellow Cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata)” |