Proposals 2022-A
2022-A-1: Reinstate Northwestern Crow Corvus caurinus as a species – FAILED
2022-A-2: Recognize Turdus confinis (San Lucas Robin) as a separate species from Turdus migratorius (American Robin) – FAILED
2022-A-3a: Treat Turdus plumbeus (Red-legged Thrush) as two species – FAILED
2022-A-3b: Treat Turdus plumbeus (Red-legged Thrush) as three species – FAILED
2022-A-4: Treat Turdus daguae as a separate species from Turdus assimilis (White-throated Thrush) – FAILED
2022-A-5a: Reassess the taxonomy of the Pampa curvipennis (Wedge-tailed Sabrewing) complex: Lump excellens with curvipennis – PASSED
2022-A-5b: Reassess the taxonomy of the Pampa curvipennis (Wedge-tailed Sabrewing) complex: Split pampa from curvipennis – FAILED
2022-A-6: Split Haplophaedia assimilis from Greenish Puffleg H. aureliae– PASSED
2022-A-7: Recognize Trogon ambiguus (Coppery-tailed Trogon) as a separate species from Trogon elegans (Elegant Trogon) – FAILED
2022-A-8: Treat Lepidocolaptes neglectus as a separate species from L. affinis (Spot-crowned Woodcreeper) – FAILED
2022-A-9: Recognize Thryothorus albinucha as a separate species from T. ludovicianus (Carolina Wren) – FAILED
2022-A-10a: Split Numenius hudsonicus (Hudsonian Curlew) from N. phaeopus (Whimbrel) – FAILED
2022-A-10b: Resume using the English name Hudsonian Curlew for N. hudsonicus – FAILED
2022-A-10c: Resume using the English name Whimbrel for N. phaeopus sensu stricto – FAILED
2022-A-11: Recognize extralimital Leptodon forbesi as a species distinct from Gray-headed Kite L. cayanensis – PASSED
2022-A-12: Recognize extralimital Turdus maculirostris as a species distinct from Spectacled Thrush T. nudigenis – PASSED
2022-A-13: Recognize extralimital Sipia palliata as a species distinct from Dull-mantled Antbird S. laemosticta – PASSED
2022-A-14a: Recognize extralimital Herpsilochmus frater as a species distinct from Rufous-winged Antwren H. rufimarginatus – PASSED
2022-A-14b: Change the English name of H. rufimarginatus to Rufous-margined Antwren – PASSED
2022-A-15: Recognize extralimital Pyrocephalus nanus as a species distinct from Vermilion Flycatcher P. rubinus – PASSED
2022-A-16: Change the scientific name of Anthus lutescens (Yellowish Pipit) to Anthus chii – PASSED
2022-A-17: Revise linear sequence of genera in Troglodytidae, especially Ferminia – PASSED
2022-A-18: Split Leucolia wagneri from L. viridifrons (Green-fronted Hummingbird) – FAILED
2022-A-19: Split Black-billed Streamertail Trochilus scitulus from (Red-billed) Streamertail T. polytmus – PASSED
2022-A-20a: Split Cynanthus latirostris (Broad-billed Hummingbird): Recognize C. doubledayi as a species – PASSED
2022-A-20b: Split Cynanthus latirostris (Broad-billed Hummingbird): Recognize C. lawrencei as a species – PASSED
2022-A-20c: Split Cynanthus latirostris (Broad-billed Hummingbird): English names – PASSED
2022-A-21: Split Lampornis cinereicauda from White-throated Mountain-gem L. castaneoventris – FAILED
Proposals 2022-B
2022-B-1: Remove recognition of Loxia sinesciuris (Cassia Crossbill) as a distinct species – FAILED
2022-B-2: Recognize the genus Ramosomyia for “Leucolia” viridifrons (Green-fronted Hummingbird) and “L.” violiceps (Violet-crowned Hummingbird) – PASSED
2022-B-3: Transfer Myrmeciza zeledoni (Zeledon’s Antbird) to Hafferia – PASSED
2022-B-4: Treat Chondrohierax wilsonii (Cuban Kite) as a separate species from C. uncinatus (Hook-billed Kite) – PASSED
2022-B-5: Treat Accipiter chionogaster (White-breasted Hawk) as a separate species from A. striatus (Sharp-shinned Hawk) – FAILED
2022-B-6a: Reconsider treatment of Barn Owl subspecies Tyto alba insularis and T. a. nigrescens: Recognize T. insularis as a species with subspecies insularis and nigrescens – FAILED
2022-B-6b: Reconsider treatment of Barn Owl subspecies Tyto alba insularis and T. a. nigrescens: Treat insularis and nigrescens as subspecies of T. glaucops rather than of T. alba – FAILED
2022-B-6c: Revise the distribution statement of T. glaucops – PASSED
2022-B-7: Merge Ciccaba into Strix – PASSED
2022-B-8a: Treat Saltator coerulescens (Grayish Saltator) as three species: Split grandis s.l. (incl. olivascens) from coerulescens – PASSED
2022-B-8b: Treat Saltator coerulescens (Grayish Saltator) as three species: Split grandis from olivascens – FAILED
2022-B-9: Recognize Haematopus bachmani (Black Oystercatcher) as a subspecies of H. ater (Blackish Oystercatcher) – FAILED
2022-B-10a: Treat Caribbean Island populations of Troglodytes aedon (House Wren) as seven species: Recognize T. beani – FAILED
2022-B-10b: Treat Caribbean Island populations of Troglodytes aedon (House Wren) as seven species: Recognize T. guadeloupensis – FAILED
2022-B-10c: Treat Caribbean Island populations of Troglodytes aedon (House Wren) as seven species: Recognize T. rufescens – FAILED
2022-B-10d: Treat Caribbean Island populations of Troglodytes aedon (House Wren) as seven species: Recognize T. martinicensis – FAILED
2022-B-10e: Treat Caribbean Island populations of Troglodytes aedon (House Wren) as seven species: Recognize T. mesoleucus – FAILED
2022-B-10f: Treat Caribbean Island populations of Troglodytes aedon (House Wren) as seven species: Recognize T. musicus – FAILED
2022-B-10g: Treat Caribbean Island populations of Troglodytes aedon (House Wren) as seven species: Recognize T. grenadensis – FAILED
2022-B-11: Treat Piaya mexicana as a separate species from P. cayana (Squirrel Cuckoo) – FAILED
2022-B-12: Treat Patagioenas albilinea as a separate species from P. fasciata (Band-tailed Pigeon) – FAILED
Proposals 2022-C
2022-C-1: Revert to Mew Gull for Larus brachyrhynchus (Short-billed Gull) – FAILED
2022-C-2: Treat Sturnella lilianae (Lilian’s Meadowlark) as a separate species from S. magna (Eastern Meadowlark) – PASSED
2022-C-3: Recognize Riccordia elegans as a species, subspecies, or doubtful taxon – DOUBTFUL TAXON
2022-C-4: Treat Anthracothorax aurulentus as a separate species from A. dominicus (Antillean Mango) – PASSED
2022-C-5: Transfer Pitangus lictor (Lesser Kiskadee) to the monotypic genus Philohydor – PASSED
2022-C-6: Transfer Grus monacha (Hooded Crane) to the Main List – PASSED
2022-C-7: Add Larosterna inca (Inca Tern) to the U.S. List – PASSED
2022-C-8: Remove the account for Macronectes giganteus (Southern Giant-Petrel) from the Appendix and replace it with an account for Macronectes halli (Northern Giant-Petrel) in the Main List – PASSED
2022-C-9: Add Turdus naumanni (Naumann’s Thrush) to the Main List – PASSED
2022-C-10: Treat Pharomachrus costaricensis as separate species from P. mocinno (Resplendent Quetzal) – FAILED
2022-C-11: Add Pygochelidon cyanoleuca (Blue-and-white Swallow) to the U.S. List – PASSED
2022-C-12: Add Elaenia parvirostris (Small-billed Elaenia) to the Main List – PASSED
2022-C-13: Treat Saxicola rubicola and S. maurus as separate species from S. torquatus (Common Stonechat) – PASSED
2022-C-14: Recognize Pseudocolaptes johnsoni as a separate species from P. lawrencii (Buffy Tuftedcheek) – PASSED
2022-C-15: Treat Elaenia cherriei as a separate species from E. fallax (Greater Antillean Elaenia) – FAILED
2022-C-16: Treat Mionectes galbinus as a separate species from M. olivaceus (Olive-striped Flycatcher) – FAILED
2022-C-17: Treat Canachites franklinii as a separate species from Canachites canadensis (Spruce Grouse) – FAILED
2022-C-18a: Modify the linear sequence of genera in the tribe Mergini, adjusting the placement of Camptorhynchus labradorius (Labrador Duck) – PASSED
2022-C-18b: Modify the linear sequence of genera in the tribe Mergini, adjusting the placement of Clangula hyemalis (Long-tailed Duck) – FAILED
2022-C-18c: Modify the linear sequence of genera in the tribe Mergini, adjusting the placement of Histrionicus histrionicus (Harlequin Duck) – FAILED
Proposals 2022-D
2022-D-1: Establish an English name for Sturnella lilianae – CHIHUAHUAN MEADOWLARK
2022-D-2: Establish English names for Anthracothorax aurulentus and A. dominicus s.s. – PUERTO RICAN MANGO and HISPANIOLAN MANGO