The American Ornithological Society (AOS, or Society) seeks a new editor-in-chief (EIC) for the journal Ornithology. Ornithology is an international, peer-reviewed journal with a 147-year history of publishing original research that advances fundamental, scientific knowledge of living and extinct bird species. Ornithology is published by Oxford University Press (OUP) on a quarterly basis. The journal …

The Complexity of Haemosporidian Infection Dynamics in Song Sparrows

By Lydia Balogh Related paper: Haemosporidian infection prevalence varies temporally and spatially and Leucocytozoon infections are male biased in Song Sparrows: La prévalence des hémosporidioses varie dans le temps et l’espace et les infections à Leucocytozoon sont biaisées en faveur des mâles chez Melospiza melodia by Leanne A. Grieves, Lydia Balogh, Tosha R. Kelly, Elizabeth …

Three Professional Societies Unite on National Science Foundation Grant in Effort to Increase Access and Inclusivity in Ornithology

CHICAGO — May 16, 2023 — The landscape of science is changing: People from increasingly varied backgrounds, identities, cultures, and genders are pursuing careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Support for this more diverse population of scientists needs to extend beyond “one size fits all” to better meet the needs of today’s …

Amanda Rodewald | Faces of AOS

The AOS has been my “home” society since I was a graduate student. I enormously value the scientific, educational, and professional resources that AOS provides, but what is most important to me is being part of a fun, supportive and stimulating community. Amanda Rodewald Current institution and/or position: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Garvin Professor and …

Registration for AOS & SCO–SOC 2023 now open!

Registration is officially open for the joint AOS & SCO–SOC 2023 conference, 8–12 August 2023, at RBC Place London in London, Ontario. See our Registration page for details. This fully in-person event includes a fantastic line-up of plenary, oral, and poster presentations. The planning team has been busy organizing a series of additional events. We …

North American shorebirds are declining faster than we ever imagined

By Stephen Brown, Vice President of Science, Manomet Linked Paper: Accelerating declines of North America’s shorebirds signal the need for urgent conservation action by Paul A. Smith, Adam C. Smith, Brad Andres, Charles M. Francis, Brian Harrington, Christian Friis, R.I. Guy Morrison, Julie Paquet, Bradford Winn, and Stephen Brown, Ornithological Applications. Nearly all shorebird species …

Ornithological Applications thanks departing editors; welcomes new associate editor

The American Ornithological Society is grateful to Dr. Sarah Saunders and Dr. Ashley Dayer, who are departing after several years as associate editors for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Saunders is Senior Manager of Quantitative Science with the National Audubon Society where she models occupancy, abundance, and distribution of numerous species. Dr. Dayer is an associate professor …

Call for Abstracts for Oral Presentations & Posters

Submission Deadline Extended: 19 March 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET Submission form: AOS Member Portal We invite ornithologists to present their work at the 2023 joint conference of the American Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithology–Société des ornithologistes du Canada to be held in London, Ontario, 8–12 August 2023. This in-person meeting offers a …

Faces of Ornithology

Ornithologists don’t fit into a single mold.  We work in all types of places, from academia, to museums, to government agencies, to non-profit organizations, to corporations. Some of us are researchers, while others are policy makers or advocates, managers or administrators, educators or executives, curators or conservationists—and many of us fit in multiple categories. Some …

A multi-pronged approach to animal tracking and the benefits of wide-ranging collaborations

By Ann E. McKellar Linked Paper: Weak genetic structure, shared nonbreeding areas, and extensive movement in a declining waterbird by Nicholas G. Shephard, Patricia Szczys, David J. Moore, Matthew W. Reudink, Jeffrey N. Costa, Annie M. Bracey, Simeon Lisovski, and Ann E. McKellar, Ornithological Applications. The Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) is a species of concern in …