Thank you for joining our Community Congress on English Bird Names. The goals of the Community Congress were to increase the awareness of the issue around eponymous English bird names. The Congress aimed to provide a broad range of stakeholders from the birding and ornithological community the opportunity to share their viewpoints, including challenges and opportunities from their perspectives, to best inform future next steps to address the issue of naming birds after people. We hope that you found the Congress as informative as we found our discussions with stakeholders. If you wish to view the Congress again, a recording will be available on the AOS YouTube channel. Feel free to continue the discussion on this complex issue on this English Bird Names blog.
The AOS Diversity and Inclusion Committee thanks everyone who participated in Community Congress on English Bird Names.
Thank you to our panelists who generously shared their time and perspectives during initial listening sessions, the lead-up to the Congress, and during the Congress itself. Your contributions were invaluable to the conversation and made the Congress a success!

Thank you to José González of the Avarna Group for developing a thoughtful success agreement and for deftly facilitating the event. Throughout the planning process, José has kindly and expertly advised us and we owe him a debt of gratitude.
Thank you to attendees who listened thoughtfully and asked many probing questions. Let’s keep talking.
For more information, including a link to the webinar recording, please sign up for blog alerts.
With gratitude,
The AOS Diversity & Inclusion Committee