Thanks to incoming and departing associate editors for Ornithological Applications

The American Ornithological Society thanks Dr. Amanda Hale and Dr. Clark Rushing, who are departing after several years as associate editors for Ornithological Applications. Dr. Hale is a professor and graduate program director at Texas Christian University. Her research investigates many aspects of conservation biology, including the impact of wind energy on birds and bats. …

Nomination period extended for AOS Officers & Elective Councilors

The AOS Committee for Nomination of Officers and Elective Councilors is continuing to seek nominations, including self-nominations, for the following leadership positions, which will be on the upcoming 2022 ballot: President-Elect  Secretary Treasurer  Elective Councilor (4 seats for election). The Committee is seeking a diverse array of nominees and is extending the nomination period through …

Call for Associate Editors for AOS Journals

Interested in joining the editorial board of Ornithological Applications or Ornithology? Associate Editors manage the peer-review process by assigning papers (maximum of one new manuscript per month) to reviewers, synthesizing reviews received, and making recommendations to the Senior Editors or Editor-in-Chief. They also serve as ambassadors for the AOS journals and encourage manuscript submissions from …

Thank you from AOS Leaders

Wow — what a year! As we think back on everything that happened in 2021, we reflect on the strength and resilience of our community and our gratitude at working alongside such dedicated, passionate and skilled colleagues. Through your research, your service to AOS, your engagement, and your financial support, you create the diverse, vibrant, …

AOS journals now accepting video abstract submissions for published papers

The American Ornithological Society (AOS), with the help of our publisher, Oxford University Press, now has the capacity to promote video abstracts to accompany published research. We expect this capacity will improve the reach of our articles and make them more accessible to a wider audience. Authors of accepted manuscripts for new issues of Ornithology …

Call for Keynote and Plenary Speakers

The American Ornithological Society and BirdsCaribbean seek nominations for Keynote and Plenary speakers for our joint 2022 Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27 June to 2 July 2022. The conference theme is “On the Wings of Recovery: Resilience and Action.” We anticipate inviting 3 to 5 speakers who will address a diversity of relevant …

Advances in Avian Diet: Methods and Applications

By Sabrina S. Taylor, Senior Editor, Ornithology Studying avian diet has never been easy, but several methodological advances have enabled novel insights, collectively sparking a renewed interest and vigor in avian diet studies. Accordingly, three recent NAOC and AOS symposia reflect this interest and have highlighted ways that traditional, genetic, and tracer approaches can be …

Nominations Open for 2022 AOS Awards

The American Ornithological Society’s (AOS) 2022 awards cycle is now open! Each year through our awards program, the AOS celebrates the notable achievements of ornithologists who are engaged in critical and innovative avian research and conservation science, research publication, and service to the Society. We rely on YOU, our members, to nominate your colleagues, mentees, …

Nominations Open for 2022 AOS Council & Special Membership Classes

Post updated 1/10/22We’ve extended the nomination deadlines for AOS Council and AOS Honorary Fellows.Honorary Fellows nomination deadline: 15 February 2022AOS Council nominations deadline: 21 January 2022 Each year, members of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) have an opportunity to influence AOS’s future by electing officers and Councilors to govern our Society. We also can honor …