loye and alden miller, aos award namesakes

The AOS Miller Award recognizes lifetime achievement in ornithological research. Loye Holmes Miller (1874–1970) began his teaching career in 1904 at the Los Angeles State Normal School (which later became UCLA) and retired in 1943. It was only in the last nine years of his active service that the Ph.D. degree was awarded and, in that time, he had two M.A. and two Ph.D. students.

Alden Holmes Miller (1906–1965), Loye’s son, began his teaching career in 1931 in the Department of Zoology and Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley and remained on the faculty until his death 34 years later. Miller sponsored 28 Ph.D. students, 26 of them in avian biology. Among their students, those with a Ph.D. in avian biology total 166, and there are at least an additional 40 whose Ph.D. topics were non-avian. All award nominees are expected to have a high standard of ethical and social behavior that is strongly aligned with the AOS Code of Conduct & Ethics.

Miller Award Nomination Guidelines

Before submitting a nomination, please review the lists of previous recipients below. In recognition of the large number of ornithologists making outstanding contributions to our science, the AOS Council recommends that the Miller Award not be conferred upon the same individual more than once in their lifetime.

Generally an individual is expected to receive only one senior Award. However, since the Miller Award recognizes lifetime achievement in ornithological research, it is possible for an individual to receive a Miller Award after receiving one of the other AOS senior awards, ideally only after an extended period of time since receiving one of the other Senior Awards, and in the absence of equally good other alternate individuals for the Miller Award in that year. Note that nominees for the Miller Award need not be members of AOS at the time of their nomination.

Submit a Nomination

Nominations must be submitted through our online Member Portal.

  • Clicking “Apply Now” on the page linked above will direct you to a login screen. If you have previously created an account, your Login ID is your email address. After logging in, you will be redirected to the Senior Professional Award nomination page.
  • If you have not previously created an account, click Create Account at the lower left to set up your profile.
  • You can also navigate to the submission page from the Member Portal homepage under “Open Competitions” in the lower right.

To submit a nomination for the Miller Award, you will need to upload 1) a written summary (no more than 2 pages) describing the nominee’s contributions to ornithology and why they should be recognized with the award, and 2) a current CV of the nominee.

Previous Miller Award Winners

2023   Vicki Friesen
2022   John Wingfield
2021   Tony D. Williams
2020   Erica Nol
2019   A. Townsend Peterson
2018   Janis Dickinson
2017   Carol Vleck
2016   Walter D. Koenig
2015   Jerram Brown
2014   Ellen Ketterson
2013   Trevor Price
2012   Thomas Martin
2011   Susan Haig
2010   Keith A. Hobson
2009   Frances C. James
2008   Peter R. Marler
2007   Robert B. Payne

2006   Robert E. Ricklefs
2005   John A. Wiens
2004   Alexander Skutch
2003   B. Rosemary and Peter Grant
2002   Richard T. Holmes
2001   Frank A. Pitelka
2000   Ernst W. Mayr
1999   Gordon H. Orians
1998   Russell Balda
1997   Robert W. Storer
1996   William R. Dawson
1995   Barbara B. DeWolfe
1994   Storrs Olson
1993   George A. Bartholomew

Nominate yourself or a colleague for recognition

Must be an AOS Member to submit