About the Conservation Committee
Identifies and implements appropriate means for the AOS to promote sound ornithological science for making conservation and management decisions for birds. Among its activities are organizing symposia of conservation interest at annual meetings, helping to administer the AOS Conservation Achievement Awards, and engaging in science arbitration, which involves evaluating the science relevant to an issue and providing the results to decision-makers.


Jeff Brawn
Anna Chalfoun
Andrew Cox
Camila Gomez
Laura Kearns
Sarah Kendrick
Alejandra Martínez-Salinas
Patty McGill
Nicole Michel
Lauren Pharr
Dan Roby
Ken Rosenberg
Kristen Ruegg
Erik Schoenborn
Stan Senner
AOS Latin American/Caribbean Conservation Research Awards
The Conservation Committee of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) is dedicated to the study and conservation of migratory and resident birds throughout their full annual life cycle and supporting the research endeavors and career development of student/early-career scientists in areas with fewer opportunities for research funding.
Accordingly, the AOS Conservation Committee has initiated a small grants program to support student/early-career scientists from Latin America and the Caribbean conducting conservation-related research on either migratory or resident birds in those regions.
If you are interested in joining the Conservation Committee as a regular or student member or otherwise get involved in its activities, contact one of the Committee co-chairs and indicate the nature of your interest.
Jeff Walters, Conservation Committee co-chair: jrwalt@vt.edu
Angelina Ruiz Sánchez, Conservation Committee co-chair: angruiz@uv.mx